Beef and Pesto Pasta

21 January, 2015 — Leave a comment


Pesto comes from the Italien word “pestare” which means crush, mash, pound.
This sauce is uncooked and usually made of basil, garlic, oliveoil, pine nuts and cheese.

I didn`t have all the propper ingredients for a real pesto, when making dinner last night, so I improvised.

Here is my take on an easy green sauce a la pesto for pasta served with beef cubes.

This serves 4-5 people.


* One big handfull fresh basil
* One big handfull fresh parsley
* One tablespoon cashew nuts unsalted
* One tablespoon of gryer cheese (or any hard cheese you have in the fridge)
* One teaspoon broth powder
* One dl olive oil
* One garlic clove, crushed or finely chopped
* One dl cream
* 8 Champignon
* Pasta, 500 gr
* Beef tenderloin, 450 gr



Cut the champignon first in two halves and slice thinly. Set aside.
Cut the beef into smaller cubes 2×2 cm. Set aside.

Start the pasta.
Remember to put salt into the water.

Have the basil, parsley, nuts, cheese, broth powder, garlic and olive oil in a blender, and blend (about 40 sec) to a fairly smooth mix.
Add the cream to the sauce and blend again (about 5 sec).
Set aside.

Heat up a large pan and lightly brown the champignons.
When they are ready, remove them from the pan into a meduim large separate bowl.

Have the beef cubes in the hot pan. Let them fry for about 30 sec. and then with the help of two wooden ladles (or the kind) toss the beef around in th epan making sure it gets brown on all sides.
Remove the meat from the pan and in the bowl with the mushrooms.
Sprinkle salt and black pepper over the meat and mushrooms and mix it all together.

Turn down the heat on the pan.
Pour in the green sauce and let it warm up a little.
When the pasta is al dente and steaming hot, add it to the sauce and mix everything well together.

Top with the mushroom and beef and serve immediately.

Serve with a green salad and grated cheese.



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