Bell Pepper Sauce

30 June, 2014 — Leave a comment

Pasta sauces we know the best are those made with tomatoes and simmered for hours.
The longer it simmers the darker, thicker and sweeter sauce you will get.
Your Italian great-grandmother would be so proud if you served her this sauce with fresh pasta.

Although I love a good long-simmered sauce, I also love tasting the freshness of the vegetables used in a cold sauce.
For the warm season I definitely prefer such a fresh, cold sauce and it doesn`t always have to be a pure tomato sauce in my opinion. Like today, I made a pasta sauce on red bell pepper and most guests at my table finished their plate and asked for seconds so I think they liked it.

If you`d like to try it here`s the recipe:

(made for 500g pasta)

What you need

* 2 big red bell peppers
* 5 cherry tomatoes
* 2 cloves of garlic
* 1 dl olive oil
* 0.5 dl white wine (or lemon juice)
* Salt, sugar and black pepper to taste
* Fresh basil and oregano

What you do

Start boiling water for the pasta (remember salt in the water).
Cook pasta according to instructions on package.

Cut the vegetables and have in a blender.
Add the fluids, spices and herbs.
Blend well for at least 20-30 seconds.
Add more salt if it`s bland. More sugar if it`s sour. More wine/lemon juice if it`s too sweet and if you`re unlucky and get it too salty try balancing it out with more olive oil and sugar.

When the pasta is done drain it and while it`s still steaming hot have it back in the pan and pour over the fresh sauce.
Mix well and serve immediately.

Serve with a green salad.



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