Feel great!

26 June, 2015 — Leave a comment

Isn`t it typical?
Pre-summerbreak is always packed with social events at the schools, at work, a dance recital, BBQs at the neighbors`, visitors making a one-night stop-over at your house on their way to some far away tropical island for holiday. It`s all nice, it`s mostly fun but also exhausting. Too much rich foods and too much alcohol. It wears me out. Gives me those blue circles around my eyes for lack of sleep, my skin looks grey and tired and my energy level is close to zero.

So, now i have decided to give my body a 10 day breake by doing a detox cleanse. You might know that I do these cleanses usually two times a year; after Christmas and after summer, but I think it would do me good to clean up a little now as well.

If you would like to join me in this cleanse, I would love the company! You can follow this clean menuplan I set up a while back, or check in with me here on the blog to see what I eat, drink and do to feel great every day for the next 10 days.

It`s a challenge for me and I also challenge you.
Are you ready to feel great?


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