Colorful Fall Foods Equals Better Nutrition

24 September, 2014 — Leave a comment

The 5 best foods for fall

Apples. Whether you pick your own, travel to your local farmer’s market to seek out traditional varieties or shop at your local grocery store, apples are a mainstay of fall.

Cranberries really do help prevent urinary tract infections, and they’re packed with antioxidants and vitamins A and C. One-half cup of fresh cranberries has only 25 calories, so go ahead and enjoy an entire cup!

Winter squash. Acorn, Hubbard, spaghetti, butternut, delicata, even pumpkin ‑- there are almost more varieties of squash than I can count! Winter squash is a great source of vitamin A and fiber, and even though it’s a “starchy” vegetable, it’s lower in calories than you might think.

Cabbage family veggies. Cauliflower, broccoli and all types of cabbage are at their peak in the fall. Salads don’t need to stop with summer! Toss together a quick fall salad with these crispy veggies and dress with your favorite vinaigrette.

Grapes. Don’t limit your grape intake to wine! With only 60 calories per cup, grapes are absolutely packed with health-promoting phytochemicals that protect against some types of cancer and heart disease. Make a fruit salad that includes grapes, chopped apples and cranberries, to include three of my favorite fall foods. Add red grapes to the pan when you sauté chicken or pork, stir chopped grapes into your favorite salsa for a subtle sweet taste, or add chopped grapes to rice pilaf.

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Colorful fall foods – a video by WebMD

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