Fish stick tortilla

14 September, 2015 — Leave a comment


Everyone loves tortilla – especially children, and most children like fish sticks, so why not make a combo?

For one fish stick tortilla you will need:

* 1 small wholewheat tortilla
* 1 fish stick
* 1 teaspoon fresh thyme (or other green herbs that you like)
* 1 small potato (or half of a larger one)
* 1 tablespoon feta cheese
* Extra virgin olive oil
* 1 pinch of salt & 1 pinch of black pepper

What you do:

Prepare the fish stick in the oven according to package instructions.
Boil the potato or use leftovers which you may have in the fridge.
Place the tortilla on a plate and sprinkle with olive oil.
With slices of the boiled potato, make a vertical line in the center of the tortilla.
Break the fish stick into smaller pieces and place onto of the potatoes.
Crumble the feta over the fish stick.
Sprinkle the herbs, salt and pepper over it all.
Fold the tortilla and enjoy!

If you find this too dry, try adding a small tablespoon of creme fraiche or one teaspoon of Worcestersauce or both.

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