Monkfish in puff pastry

19 September, 2014 — 2 Comments

Monkfish, also known as frog-fish, sea-devil and poor man`s lobster, is a firm-textured and meaty white fish.
With it`s flat and huge mouth it`s not a pretty fish, but a very tasty one.

I made this dish yesterday with my youngest daugther, Ella.
I cut the fish in suitable pieces and she seasoned and wrapped them in the puff pastry dough. Good team work.

This recipe serves 4.


* 600 g Monkfish
* 2 puff pastry rolls (I prefer to get the pre-rolled ones)
* Thyme
* Rosemary
* Salt
* Pepper
* 1 egg for brushing the dough


Pre heat the oven to 180 C (convention).

Cut the fish into eight equal pieces.
Cut the rolled out puff pastry also into eight equal pieces.
Place the fish on to the puff pastry.
Season well with salt, thyme, rosemary and pepper.
Roll the pastry to cover the fish and make small packages in any shape you like.

Place the packages on a baking tray and brush well with the beaten egg.

Cook in oven for about 15 minutes.

While you wait for the fish to get ready, you can toss together a salad with mixed salad leaves, yello pepper bell, cucumber, leek and mozzarella.
A quick salad dressing can be made from olive oil, balsamic vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper and garlic.


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  1. Weekly Menu Plan – October | The Norwegian Hausfrau - 12 October, 2014

    […] SUNDAY Monkfish in Puff Pastry […]

  2. Ukemeny fra the norwegian hausfrau - 9 November, 2014

    […] Søndag: Steinbitt i butterdeig […]

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